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Whereupon one deigns to order their own muse, one may find a key to it all. That we decide that, it is within our perceptions of objective events that shape the self-fulfilling prophecies of the mind and thus fuel further judgements and to the shape once more and again and again until there is zero more. Begin in anything of your liking, there is something special to be seen in the simple act of ‘trying’ and that in doing so consistently until you have garnered the information to make a discerning amendment to its continuation, you find the opportunity for a subtle peace. One step in the direction you wish to go, may involve the process of writing off the rest of the ways one can go, and as each possible direction is absolved, that there… is progress. Strive for that which you try, for the debt of skill can often be great and to combat that, one must contain the energy and intention for it. Airey as that may sound, it is this act that gives us the information requisite to decision.
