Cycles come in the form of seasons, that in these seasons one may find themselves set to focus on one thing or a couple things, leaving all else to the wind. In these seasons it is better to accelerate and go all in. For the sooner you lose the resistance to the season, the sooner you make your way through it and get back to the counterbalance. For the weights of balance operate (like all things) on the micro and macro scales, that over the course of one’s life they face extremes to either spectrum of which even out to a net zero or a balance in total. So, a counterbalance of the counterbalance of the counterbalance and so on, and that these cycles play themselves out ad infimum. It this then that we dub to be ‘flow’, as in to flow with the season or cycle of the present. Often it is rolling with the fall that saves the organism, rather than stopping so suddenly that the momentum is damaging.