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A playful innocence knows only the expanse. Ignorance, and done so in the most beautiful of ways, such that the ignorance provides the ultimate bliss while also positing zero moral or ethical dilemma. Innocence then is revered as this abundance of innocence allows the holder to sing to the harmonies of nature, to sit at peace with it for they know only peace, and only harmony. This is desired and it is healing for the soul, for it is a state before the ‘darker’ impulses of the monkey vessel imbue themselves into the perceptions of the beholder. A lack of reactiveness and emotional complexity that is achievable at any time for any body across any age. Innocence is so often placed with youth, as if the lack of knowledge toward the ‘darker’ aspects of reality is the cause, when it is the harmony with zero expectation, peace with zero angst toward the possibility of war, and the stillness that comes when emotional nuance is released and accepted.
