Where does freaking out serve you? Given the opportunity to do so in a destructive manner, would that mere temptation already signal the necessity in a solution for the very thing to which one ‘would’ freak out for? See where the inclination leads and then use the potential of it to take the action toward solving it. Conserving the energy that would have been set in motion to serve zero, and use it for something that does serve you. Something subjectively ‘bad’ occurs, catch the response to it… say, anger, and rather than yelling you see that there is a solution to the context, and do that instead. Expressing the energy in the form of a solution as well as (or otherwise) feeling into the context in itself. The energy one has in a day is sacred and one of the most important resources in their efforts to thrive and create new experiences and new inceptions of reality, for this it is within one’s duty to secure it as such.