A message to my-self, and thus all selves:
“Time heals all, and with contemplation in the mix… time teaches wisdom”
Progress can feel non-existent, and there are often triggers that we allow to feel, as if we haven’t made any progress at all, that if anything it has all gotten worse. Well, if this perception is accurate and it appears to be worse, then a reminder of the darkest night before the dawn, the ‘getting worse before getting better’, as if the universe tests our resolve before reflecting these new actions and changes we now consistently apply.
Re-lapse can be a difficult feeling to face, for that:
“Two steps forward, one step back”
It matters not how fast you go, there are many for whom are going nowhere fast, it is instead a matter of where you direct how fast you go. Two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward, and even if this feels apparent in this moment, it is to remind ourselves in another moment.
And in all matters of love, do so vulnerably, for if one is to become one with another, then the self must be realized within this connection. Guarding against another in fear of potential pain and hurt, is a sure-fire way of avoiding the very connection we crave. Sit comfortably-uncomfortable, teetering at the edge of falling, and just managing to fly in flow. Know full well that all have room to improve, and more often than not, it is not the personalities that walk into a relationship that decide its success, and more so the resolve of the parties involved to work through everything together. A perfect partnership is built, it is not found.
What is found, are potential partners for which it is easier to construct these connections. This is never to deter the resolve of working through obstacles within relationships, so long as the obstacle is not your partner, for in the case of toxic and abusive relations, this is very much the case. Even if the problem we find seems to be ‘the other person’, looking deeper to the root cause, symptom fixing and suppression do little to ensure the survival of the organism, resolving the root of an issue is integral to longevity. Whether that be the body, mind, love, or otherwise.