“Today was a setback.” “Okay, why?” “I did the things that went against my vision and made less progress than I wanted to.”
If one was to fall only once, then would they know what it is to rise? If one was to always turn left, how would they know of right? To that which is yin, must also have its yang. To that which is whole in unity, implies pieces in separation. All is. Is is fathomed by a few, and for the rest of the everyday personas… Is must be fathomed in smaller chunks. These smaller chunks must add to a net zero, and thus it involves the yin and the yang, the light and the dark, the up and the down, and to that it counterbalances itself out. Rest easy in the machinations of a universe that involves you, for you are a chunk of it yourself. Faith is what is given to the blind in trusting there is a world to see. What is given to the deaf in that there is a world to hear. What is given to the able man, in that there is a plan, a method, a function, and a larger sense to be sensed.