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There exists frequency, vibrational patterns from which every atom within this universe oscillates. No thing is ever truly still, even at absolute zero there is minimal movement. From this is derived the understanding of an electric universe, where every chemical change can be described through electrons and movements. From the micro to the macro, this universe runs on energy, and runs on movement from this energy, energy-in-motion. The frequency of the movement is what is referred to when discussing vibrational patterns, as the same way we hear sounds from all angles, energy feels frequency from all angles through the interconnectedness of the inter-relational universe. Where everything is all things, one thing, and nothing, all at once. Where separation from this universe is derived only from ego, and is an impossibility within this domain, as to separate from anything is the acknowledge the existence of a whole to begin with. This definition of separation could be said as the ‘lack of relation to the whole’, to then be ‘separate’ is still to acknowledge the whole.

As sound travels to our ears, frequency travels to and around us. For this, emotions (energy-in-motion; e-motions) can be transferred or pressed against another. Collective crowd hysteria, the ‘vibe’ within a room, the ability to match other people’s energy is synonymous with matching their frequency. This is both a tool and a detriment, for in many cases we have matched a frequency that does not serve us. Frustrated and angry in a spiral for a purpose we know not for. When an overwhelming consistent emotion passes through us: gently ask yourself, with full intent of learning the answer…

“Is this mine?”

“Is this my emotion?”

If yes, then diffuse, feel, accept, express, and let go as to complete that emotional cycle.

If no, then reply:

“Then gently send it back with love.”

And do so, let it go, it is not yours to keep. Send love to its owner and release yourself from that frequency and those emotions.

A reminder that emotion’s serve a purpose, and yet can sometimes exist without a direct stimulus or reason, within those moments, ask yourself this. For it is more often than not, that if you cannot find the root cause, then it is was not from you to begin with.