Sometimes it is in the conversations to which our heart may seed its contentment that is our form of rest. That it is permissible to allow ourselves the lack of stimulation, or the focus of one kind, to solve the head noise that can ensue from the modern pacing of day-to-day. To focus in on one thing or to discuss with one person and allow that social appetite to envelop our attention such that the chatter leaves. Such mind chatter operates when a mind has given permission for all quiet to be filled for otherwise, they feel their egoic sense of identity is lost. One is more than their thoughts and when that is integrated, one begins to feel more comfortable in allowing their existence with the lack of such thoughts (chatter). Like most things, the action can yield varying results in the favour of one’s chosen direction and as such is to be discerned for which carries the better result. Take a breath, and focus.