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It is within one’s duty to be wary of the language to which they ‘ex-spell’ into their lives. Such that the daily vocabulary for any dividual, is reflected in their patterns of thoughts and the self-fulfilling prophecies borne of their perspectives and inclinations toward specific contexts. Simply put, the words one uses matter, and they matter just as frequency resonates patterns in sand and just as energy derives every point of space in existence. You speak it into your mind and your mind will replay that in your dreams and those dreams will print themselves on the inner wall of your cerebrum. A meditative practice to sit deeper in this would be to dive into the words one uses consistently and see how they operate from a standpoint of intention and inner monologue. Is that word or statement an open or closed statement, does it imply the continuation of each moment as to propagate life or does it sit in the moment it is spoken? Affecting only to close off any further processing of that context.
