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Check yourself constantly. The mind runs off onto tangents, spiraling down in hyper-fixation on something that doesn’t serve you, the more you check yourself, the less you’ll need to. Consider the mind as if a wandering toddler, one day they’ll return with cookies, another day they’ll fall off the slide and cry till kingdom come. Within all of that is exploration, trial and error, and emotion. Ask yourself “is this mine?” and do with the answer as the framework dictates. Sit for a moment and feel, is it negative? Or merely labelled as such? Are you creating flaws and skewing your perception of reality? Okay. Try gratitude. 3 things you are grateful to have, 3 things you are grateful to see, 3 things you are grateful to touch, 3 things you are grateful to hear, the list goes on. Gratitude will get you out of a rut faster than any external vice or escapism.

I feel grateful for:

- The life-giving sun

- My ability to read

- My ability to learn

- My body as it is

- This mind from which this comes

- Those I hold close

- That love exists

- The opportunities to make new friends

- The extreme responsibility I can afford on myself

- The inter-connectedness of the universe

- Dogs

- Cats

- Llamas

If you find your perception to be a valley, a hole in which you see no way out… Ask yourself this:

“If I could have any 3 things to aide me, what would they be?”

Could be increased wealth, the ability to thrive in chaos, love. Whatever the answer is, continue with: “Okay, how do we get there? What requires doing first?”

Could be many unfinished projects, every unfinished project is a portion of your energy that has not completed it’s cycle in creation. Stop creating new projects until these are done, and do with them well. Sometimes the answer to our predicament is merely solving the stack of work we have cut out for ourselves.

Construct the actions, patterns, and behaviors to work in your favor. Mental rigmarole comes from the mind, and that is your domain. Do with this as you will.