One can amplify their suffering simply: judge the feelings one has decided upon, and continue to do so as to apply such focus to those feelings that they cease only in death. Why would one do so? Is it within our duty to decide to go back on the decision of feeling we have made? Or is it now a let go of or ride it out situation? Either way, what such feelings merely are, they hold only the connotations given by their experiencer and as such the added meta-emotion of such feeling can provide the foundation for long term thought patterns that are ultimately destructive. So destruction to the point of being labelled as some severe mental health issue such that medicating must be the only solution to solve what was initially created in the mind (spoiler alert, one can return their mental state just as they messed it up). Judgement on the internal can wreak a havoc that is better left to the imagination. Let go of what you think you ‘should’ feel and embrace what you do feel.