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There is a magic to be had in presence. Sit for a moment and focus on your hands, do so with only your mind, and allow your eyes to stare ahead with the hands kept from view. Then move your focus to another part of the vessel, such as the feet. Then it is to notice how much one can truly see when they keep their gaze fixed, or to how much one can hear with their head fixed too. Such that this presence can then allow us to see familiar surroundings as if it were the first time. This is presence, as in to be present in the essence of the moment and to do, one must forgo the trappings of thoughts and trains and whatever railway of patterns that is so enthralling as to move one away from the current moment. This gift of presence is so well sought after, that many play games to get into the ‘zone’ or to be fully present or play a sport or this that and the other thing as a method of sitting present in the world. All this time and money spent on finding oneself in a context to which they can hone in and focus on that one thing… when they can do that all the time for free should they only learn how.
