Often the argument for an evil god comes from the notion that an omnipotent and omniscient god could relieve all suffering, and thus from the prevail of such suffering, then the god must be there only to allow it. The solution to this moral conundrum of “if this god is good, then why do bad things happen”, is two-prong. Firstly, it is the innerstand that such ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are subjective labels placed by the subject to the objective context, and hence all merely is. Events are just that, events, and thus any further judgement on the part of a subject is their own decision to make. The second is to discuss why one holds suffering in such a negative light, as suffering serves to strengthen and grow that which it meets, would it be that suffering is a tool more than it is a ‘horrid’ thing? The almost third point to that, as it relates to both, is that to a god the balance must be equal for it to be balanced, and hence what we may focus upon as all there is, forgets the others and thus the greater picture is left to be poorly constructed by the subjective minds of conjecture.