How does one often cope with their humanity? The existentialist crises that form from the acknowledgment of one’s own self and the identifying factors of goals they find in the semblance of perspective they have been afforded. One has some idea of a persona to which they wish to play in the theatre of life, and then get muddled in the direction of their character. This comes from a place of sincere judgement of the part they play while remaining in that part, for if judgement is to lead to a better decision and zero decisions are made, then there is only a cauldron of poison to be had. In these contexts, many seek to externalises their inner storm, and this is an action dubbed as ‘projection’. Externalising this then describes a tangible enemy for our persona and hence allows the judgement to reign upon a factor that is identified as separate from the self. There is a flaw in this chain of actioning as many will find that upon vanquishing the projection, the illusion falls, and one only accomplishes the stocking of more judgement toward themselves. The solution? Express the inner storm through the identified self, in our anger we may express this in our art, in our happiness we may express this in our love, and in our sadness, we may express this in our cry. That which experiences the storm is better to be the one for whom expresses it upon themselves. Projecting to the external has only resulted in wars of society, the mind, and the self.