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Unto service to others to which brings a peace and pleasure beyond that which is marketed through consumerism. In a world where division makes for a lack in service to others, it is within one’s duty to serve others in a manner to which they overflow their cup unto the others, in this manner it is less so self-sacrificial and more so to the betterment of both involved. This route posits the notion that one ensures that those around them are bettered as the dividual becomes better. So, showing up for yourself directly allows you to show up for those around you. This also focuses the changes made and duties taken to the internal. Adopting to improve under an internal locus of control ensures that one can feasibly affect the progress of themselves and their life. The alternative would involve the frustration of attempting to change external factors while sitting in the internal storm of self. Overflow one’s own cup, and allow that to flow into all those surrounding.
