When one’s mind grips with its own existence and one finds themselves amongst so much noise… the solution lies within finding an outlet for that noise and returning to the signal. Such that a radio station is found with good music on a certain band, so is a mental clarity, mesh between those bands and one finds loud static, move to a better band and the signal is regained. Such outlets are expressing the static in a manner to which is constructive for the mind, be it confiding in another, facing the issue at hand, or even making a compromise where possible to solve an obstacle faster. These can also lead to rage rooms and artistic expression that the world holds its breath on. It is more important that there is a constructive outlet rather than the type of constructive outlet itself. Actions such as grounding and sunning can aide in this, a reminder that the mind is still hindered by the vessel in capacity, and that a healthier and clearer vessel will posit a clearer mind that is far more equipped to do the outlet(s) discussed.