It is no the man with a million dollars that is rich, it is the man for whom knows how to make a million dollars that is rich. One may then ask, well if he has a million dollars then wouldn’t he then know how to make it? In many cases yes, in some we find happy mistakes, salary capped people, however high that salary is. The difference between these two can be staggering, those that are merely paid millions, and those that use their millions and turn it into billions. Outside their industry this is. The same truancy is seen like so: “give a man a cooked fish, and he will be well for a meal, teach the man to fish… and he’ll be well for a lifetime”. The humor then is “give a man a poisoned fish and he’ll be fed for a lifetime”.
The application of knowledge derives power, any man for who knows how to make a million dollars, is powerless unless he uses it or trades such knowledge in some way. Until it is tapped in some manner, it is useless. For this a reminder for those whom take in all these books and all this ‘knowledge’, thinking only gets you so far. Take action on your knowledge, test your learnings, and develop yourself. Those who have spent 120 thousand on marketing, making ads and marketing with them, that trial and error. Will most likely know more about marketing than the 120-thousand-dollar degree on it. And if not, they also have the experience and connections on top of that.
We all have skill debt, whether that is to be paid with intense amounts of time, or money is up to you. Take action, learn how to do what you wish to have/see, and then get out and do it.
In the alchemist, when the Englishman whom had sought out the alchemist to ask the secret recipe to create gold from lead… such a long journey to be given a single reply: “go and try.”