Within our cycles it is to note that actions of importance toward one’s vision are worth doing even if that doing is in a poor manner. It is better to do 2 push-ups than none at all, and it is better to brush for one minute than zero. This notion of baby steps serves to provide even 0.001% improvements throughout each moment, second, and day. A habit of doing two push-ups a day can easily be put to three, and then to four, and five, and so on. From here one constructs the foundation, going from zero to even a portion of one is far better than the apathetic nature of staying still. Movement implies life, and life brings upon more life, all flows. Notice these common phrases and societal lexicon and see their blatant meaning, many search for the ‘flow’ state, and to flow is to move, and hence to move is to bring upon momentum, as such it is to do action and to continue to do action, and in that, many feel far mo