So it triggers you? Then you have some growth to do. So it angers? Then wherein that beautiful soul of yours do you hold space for such specific frustration. So, it hurts? Why is that where you take that opportunity? The damaged soul mends itself through millions of micro expressions. Feel and feel for the experience if that is the only reason that one can find, sit in the spectrum of existence and sit eternally grateful for it. The same systems that can bring you to choose your lowest low, are the engines that allow you to soar beyond the very sky that you set as your limit. There is space for all, for equal parts exist so long as they are measured with one another, there is little to be lost in trying. All the philosophy in the world only aides you when combined with action. Knowledge requires the leverage of action to bring upon power to the user. What is power if only the desire to choose the reality one is found within?