Visualize. There is something to be said for taking action toward your dreams/goals & objectives, it is also pertinent to ensure that one can see their action and objective clearly, this calls back to clarity. Everything is born twice, for once within the mind of its creator, and then twice when it is brought into this world. Visualize the what, how it happens is out of your control, that is up to the universe, visualize the what and do so to a surface-level degree, the depth of detail is to stop when one begins quantifying specifics within the mind, an x amount of dollars, instead visualize the wealth and riches that having such a net worth would provide. Detail within your visualizations stop at quantifying, qualitative viewing is more ideal. See this, within your mind’s eye and believe that it is possible, as if you already have it, and do the actions that would be done to be there, for when you are there you will be here, as here is all we have.
The mind has an ability to construct the reality we face each and everyday, within small internal movements of perceptions toward current reality, dispositions in searching for the flaw, those that go looking for trouble tend to find it. In the same coin, the mind reflects a universal frequency, from which your entire vessel resonates at, this draws opportunity, and favorable universe actions toward you. It takes a disposition to looking for opportunities in order to find opportunities, where the focus goes so does everything else. Thus, guard your deep-focus and attention, put it into deep work and watch the output multiply. Meditate, for within it you may visualize. Visualization is a part of the solution, there is no one thing that creates the whole solution. See where you are going, and then open your eyes and get to stepping on going there.