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Projection onto others is a dangerous action to take, whether that be projecting the potential you see in a romantic partner onto who they really are or when taking angst from elsewhere and paying its due to the wrong docket. Such action is self-explanatorily disastrous and can lead to major hurt on all sides with the perpetrator sitting down to wonder ‘where on earth did that come from?’. There exists a simple framework from which if made into a habit can curb projection at the root cause, if to only quell an expression to the improper person, or to ensure that its due is paid to the correct docket. Ask yourself upon feeling such a surge:

“Where is this coming from?”

And continue to ask yourself “why?” intending for a reasoning, if you cannot find as to where this feeling has surged, or as to why you feel it needs to be expressed here… then qualm it for the moment until you do, there was nothing stopping you from expressing your angst or delusion here, and thus trust that if you find it to be true, you can do so at your leisure and as you see fit. It is easy to be swept with the current of an emotion within the moment. It is harder to take a moment, ask a question internally, stall for a spell, and as with most if not all things, it pays out in factors of thousands. How many arguments and draining emotional conflicts have arisen from seemingly trivial objects? Within this, ask yourself where it is coming from, the more general the answer, the more vehemently to ask yourself “why?” until you know. Healthy expression is expression to the right person for such emotion, allowing yourself to express poorly to one for whom is merely the innocent within your grasp, is the play of children and those for whom have yet to learn better.

You the observer, can take a moment, pause, and check in with yourself, finding out why you the body has found this, and continue with a new action dependent on your internal discussion. You are responsible for everything of you, thus you have the control to manage yourself. Do so.