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So, make the decision. Jump into the abyss of character development and accept the risks of choosing wrong, and the even more frightening reality: being right. Who we are in this moment is comfortable, whether that is within an addiction or depression or doing well on that path, if you’ve stayed for longer than 90 – 180 days, then picking up that identity every morning has become habit or lifestyle, there is room to improve, you know it, and to take the steps to find that out, one must begin the process of letting go of that comfort of who they currently choose to be. The sadness can leave a hole where it used to be, and that is an odd feeling at best, one would think they would be good ridden of it, when they do miss it. Most plights come from attempting to find what one used to be, and comparing those feelings to now in a way that brings noise over signal. So, make the decision to swim with the rivers of change and dive through the obstacles of growth, and begin that process of losing yourself to find your self.
