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Holding space for the judgement of others wherein one asks for such advice must be done healthily. If one has asked for advice in one thing, that means only that thing and any further advice on a separate occasion must be solicited. When one provides advice toward another’s issues when they lack such permission, they impose their will and lose their separation of tasks. Think of life or a specific problem as a movie and then someone walks in to spoil the ending for you. Unless asked, this form of advice is to be withheld. What is a problem for some could be a breeze for others, and vice versa, the problems we face are tailored for us. Whether through God, or through the self-fulfilling prophecy of one’s own behaviours and the subsequent areas that lack within it (which create these issues in the first place). There is little need to disrupt the development of another, and if they would require your help, trust that they’d ask. It all lies in trust.
