To be present is to move away from ‘traumas and other projected contexts upon the current moment. To do so, one must ensure they express these nuanced and complex packages as they form, in this then, one may continue a relationship with other dividuals while remaining stable, with zero boiling pots in sight. In times of family closeness, extended or otherwise, it is of note that one can dial back the radar of noise to signal, such that one may sit present in the moment and let go of searching for everything that is ‘wrong’ with the event or context. There is a place for such scanning behaviour, and if it is one’s prerogative to lessen the festivities via searching for these issues and obstacles, then that is their decision. One can enjoy something on the surface level, there are contexts and objectives that can exist seldom judgement and labelling from the observer. Events that can be taken with a grain of salt and enjoyed for zero reason other than that it is there in the first place.