So there it is, a sinking feeling as if the pit of your stomach has formed a crater. That when we hit rock bottom we find out that we can in fact, start digging. Things hurt as we choose them too and even if it is our choice, they still hurt. We experience the decisions we make and the ones we leave ulterior, and all of it is as it should be for all is as it should be. So facing a freeze frame of time spent elsewhere, check your bearings and realise that there is a lesson in how it worked out and that is where you subscribe that pit, that is how you fill that crater, by letting go of the context and keeping the lesson. To let go, is to be and sit present. For in the present you have zero past to let go of and zero emotional baggage to carry, it is the present you holding the past persona and all the contexts it took to make that persona, that creates these perpetuating obstacles and hurt. Presence is found in the intentional breath and action of the current moment. It is to immerse oneself within the current context completely. A solution of lacking the ego to impose the will of previous moments on the current. To whatever matter you find yourself to experience and to whatever decisions made before and following such experiences, recognise that it is an objective experience and the labels you provide it as only to the scope of your ego, they can be felt neutrally and with curiosity. We are here to learn.