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Everything conspires in your favor. All of life happens for you.

Remember this in all things, through pain, loss, and suffering… know that it is all for you. For your growth, needless to say that life happens while we make other plans, this universe, this god, conspires in your favor, our favor, to fuel our soul’s growth and to teach us how to navigate this plane of reality. For this alone, pessimism responds poorly to the energetic universe, and its often synonymous ‘realism’ offers the same grim fate, accepting the current moment as it is:

Unchangeable, irrefutable, is.

We may then enter the next moment and the next, with acceptance of the last, and the optimism to create anew within the future moment. Acceptance of the last, becomes acceptance of the past. There is little reason or logic to disposing so much energy toward an irrefutable being such as the past. It just is. Leave it as such, and continue to be here, here and now, within the current moment. For the current moment is unchangeable, the next is still in limbo and can be swayed.

Regardless of any and all happenings, it is to be accepted, and to be trusted, as it all conspires in your favor. A prominent author once wrote:

“when you decide on something truly, then the entire universe then conspires to help you”

This applies here, now, then, before, and forever more. Adopt the optimism and understanding of what you can do, and trust that everything conspires in your favor, for if not god, then whom? And if not love, then woe be to the next?