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Intention intention intention. For what is action in a context that lacks intention? Action in an objective state solves itself to be enlisted in the elements, servants of God in creating change and obstacles. You the subject hold a subjective presence, such that in your actions you impose your will and from will is the derivation of intention. Whither conscious or otherwise, actions made by a subject involve an intention, it is more ideal if such intention is discussed for oneself with one’s self for the actions they take. At the very least to set a precedent for some repetitive action. This intention holds space for the action and allows for extreme responsibility for one’s actions. Responsibility can then be shaped into discipline and consistent effort for something. Naturally, all intention must derive from some form of clarity whether for the context or in principle isolated from it. For this, one can meditate upon their actions, upcoming and past to decipher where they have been intentioned, this process allows for a deeper dive within one’s own psyche. A penchant for whatever and what have you comes from the lack of focus on you somewhere and for some what.
