Smile in the prison they built for you. For the one who turns their face to a scowl, head down, shoulders defiant or defeated, have fallen for giving their captors exactly what they want. A negative reaction. Instead, smile. Laugh, fill this place with the exact opposite for which it was designed for:
Positivity, humor, joy.
Tick the boxes of this closed loop society, and do so with a smile, an unbreakable character filled with joy. The ability to genuinely laugh at one’s own ego is the ability to manifest freedom in every moment. For why do we find ourselves stuck on such trivial matters? Put things in perspective, imagine explaining your problem to god, or any other highly elevated celestial being by any stretch of the imagination. Imagine an angel-knight fighting off the demons sent to destroy the world, and you’ve tapped him on the shoulder to explain how your husbands inability to put dirty clothes in the laundry is a problem. Laugh through solving the obstacles you face, smile as the pressure builds, and entice all those who pay attention as you flow through life thriving on everything.
Resentment, suffering, angst, self-righteous anger, apathy, sadness, hate. They are all poisons to the soul, holding onto them as if they mean something, that such sentiment separates you from everyone else. Laugh at that ego, expect it to kick back, and laugh some more, for the blood-boils most when the vessel carries the weight of such blackness. These emotions may arrive at your door, let them in, accept them, and let them go out through the backdoor, as soon as possible.
Why get so caught up in the bitter belief that all must coincide with your plans? Your aspirations? Your mere semblance to what and how the world should operate. Avoid the mistake of believing you have all the answers, accept the chaos of life, and find humor, joy, and laughter within it. For if the purpose of the prison is to bind you down and crush your existence, the antithesis of that is the positivity and positive actions/feedback, With laughter, you are truly free.