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How do we solve overwhelm? One step at a time. What step first then? The quality of one’s life is directly proportional to their ability to ask the most provoking questions. Build a framework.

What is the most important task I have upcoming?

Okay, then do that first. Can’t? Okay: “What is the largest task blocking my ability to work on my most important task?”

Okay it’s work, go to work, okay its laundry, do the laundry. Okay, it is xyz obstacle. Do that first, that’s the first step. Then go to the most important. How do we define the most important? What task provides the greatest output toward your long-term goal?

Okay, then what is your long-term goal?

These questions and more, continue to unwrap the gift of opportunity and desire with the time you have, within this very moment, and delve until you have the clarity of what is the next step.

Regardless of whether there are 1000 obstacle-tasks before you can begin, or just 1, so long as you are moving toward that long-term objective. Run, walk, or crawl… then you are progressing.