You know when you have been given the opportunity for the excitement of emotion. When someone has their ‘bad’ day and you allow that to persuade one to follow suit. Just because someone is angry, whether with you or for another reason, means very little in the way of you yourself holding that in response. It is to deter a reaction and focus on intentional action. To react is to always be a step behind, to await their action (which may well be a reaction on its own) to continue this chain of survival. Reactions are to save the vessel in moments where thoughtful intention is lacking for a timely manner of movement is required, it is to flinch or to duck or to move in whichever way needed. So, if facing a constant reactionary lifestyle, begin through introspection, what is triggering this survival? What is the rush? Solve that, and then begin to take actions with intention that sit alone, more often there is little need for a reaction.