Then why is it that we dream? Is it the ‘science’ of a reticular activating system randomly firing neurons across varying regions of the brain experienced in sleep? That this entire existence, and everything about it, exists only as it is received by the brain anyhow? Or is sleep something more?
A bout of unconsciousness for (praying) ~8 hours a day, an action that is so simple and yet is so necessary for the next day to operate nicely. Is the dream within the sleep, or the sleep within the dream? Is this the dream? Is it the inverse? A creature that can operate for 8 hours a day and instead requires 16 hours of sleep to compensate for that?
Sleep is processing. To sleep is as if to put yourself in low-power mode while your brain goes into high-power mode. Removed of experiencing and danger-awareness, the brain has the prime time to process, store, and reset for the next bout of high-functioning awareness and consciousness.
That much is known, the next question is then… dreams? Are they replays of what is being processed within a new light, or are they complex and symbolic messages from god? The answer varies, and that is purely as it could be both or even a trio. Coupled with the facet of lucid dreaming in which we see our desires realized faster than this reality actions.
Feel in deep with this, and sleep. It is necessary to do so… and is always something to be grateful for.