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Far more is solved when one decides for alternatives of anger. The utility that emotion provides to those who lack the maturity to see it is their choice, provides the tooling that chisels many with deeper scars. As with construction, one must grease the grove to create a simple slide, and the same can be seen with these emotional tears that are so childishly thrown around, it only takes the hungry patron to muster their anger and there you go, onwards is the turmoil that is the waiter’s current dealings with their feelings of lacking in all areas. What would be simpler? To leave those better than when we found them. Maybe the drink spilled over your new clothes is a right good reason to choose to be upset, how would it be if you took an even greater course of action, and helped in cleaning it up? In knowing the action is an accident; so many confuse the two. Work with people and notice how you are able to co-create the very reality to which you trod the path to see.
