Knock goes the care-felt wind found only in the distant breeze of the tomorrow-land. Knock knock again, for if not to answer such a call would you leave the bus onward without you? Another day perhaps in a slight grumble at the half-laden effort to awake from the splendor of such large, one is not here by choice, all only happens after all. The water-swindled wind-swept sands of time rush past as if the markers bang never rang for the race never run, know only this then… It is begun, for yet here you are, stuck in your impulses. For which in one turn can mean a launch it is in another a launch toward the void, so soul-sucking and tempting that almost all fall to their knees in wonder as to the desire of the moment.. Look outside young one, for opposed to the sand flowing through and around you, you are only an infant in this vast expanse, be swallowed within its indifference or see the beauty found in the release from it, look toward a guiding principle. Trial and error is the game for the child, dangerously safe, nearing the teetering edges of un-comfortability. To lack the negative and forego the positive, to play until and age and find ourselves closer to realizing the baseline, for how far one has strayed from the standard, this energy so desperately craved yet so adamantly dismissed, treat what is desired in lack with contempt and watch it find its way away from you. Like the rock and the snake sit and be, for if only to be then all is prosperous, recognize the conscious, find interest in the unconscious, and most importantly, find the love of the world. Merge in soulful yearning for a whole, as if there is only the whole, and see the world for what it has always been. A pleasure, a treasure, and paneer of the utmost splendor, to just be and to find what just is, to measure. To just measure and measure often, measure well, and measure in every which way up down and around. Test yourself, test your impulses, test your wholeness, and find the laughter in what you experience, for all is as it should be, and all is a test of some kind. That’s part of the deal. So the next time such wind finds its way through to you, answer diligently, with candor, and bathe in the joyous cries in self that is found as consequence: for the self is the whole and soul is for all. Amen.