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Hold out a branch to those that care to listen to your raw dialogue. In moments where you need only to throw out half-baked words into some space that is outside the mind, it is those for whom will listen that are to be found with all the olives. Find at least one person who can listen and remain clear on the division of tasks, for whom will only help to the extent that you allow. A friend for whom respecter of boundaries is rarer and rarer by the day, in the context of supporting someone over attempting to solve the problem for them. Imagine each obstacle of life to be tailored to the persona facing it, and what could be a simple solution for you, is far more difficult for them, as is the inverse. For this, you would face the simple solution for a fraction of the time, and even if one can do the same for another… First, they must be given the permission to do so, if one was to swoop in and solve the gratifying puzzle for them, they would find that the ‘them’ in question is less than pleased. Trust in those you love, and trust in their ability to ask for your help when they do need it. Otherwise, support them as they solve the obstacle.
