So, what is with the emotions that hide themselves from our senses? As if a mirror reflects back at us, hiding from our impulses until we discover it to be the driver of many actions and subconscious decisions. A love unknown until it is spoken, a friendship that has become something more in at least the mind of one involved party. How we just know that something is wrong or different, or iffy or ‘just not right’, and cannot pinpoint it until many moments later.
Love is built over time, and when it has passed a threshold of notice, then it is spoken of. The same applies everywhere else. Until a sense, feeling, or otherwise has surpassed a measured threshold, we take minimal to zero notice of it. It is then a question of that baseline, humanity has an inexplicable ability to adapt to new baselines, feel happy for long enough and you’ll find yourself to be neutral, be in agony for long enough and the same applies. The very strength and robustness found in the ultimate ability to adapt also creates the never-ending journey during the bound vessel’s existence.
Always one more thing before we are truly happy, a house, a car, a wife, a husband, kids, etc. This is designed this way, and is something to be grateful for, innerstand this, and work with it. If you adapt to a lifestyle, you may grow complacent within it, improve as often and as much as possible. Rest is also possible while improving, learning a new skill that is less intensive, resting after a day’s work with something or someone else. Gratitude for the present can aid in ensuring a continual zest for life. Complacency is the enemy of all growth, marriages fail when one or both grow complacent, when you stop ‘dating’ your significant other, that’s when they die, continue to date them, continue to romanticize them, continue to flirt, to play, to laugh.
Once more: the seriousness that most adopt can be left for another time, laughing while working through the obstacles that life presents.
The free man is free of mind, of emotion, to no matter where the vessel is placed, a death camp or prison or school or worse… Smile and laugh, light-hearted and spirited. For then there is freedom.