It is then an extremely fortunate facet of our existence, that we can not only exact extreme responsibility for everything that encapsulates it. More so, we can exact radical change to (with a large probability of success) adjust our next present moment, and the one thereafter. And such changes, intentional or not. Construct the progredi for which we can measure. Yet, whether it is seen or not, we must trust to a rather large degree, that it is moving us toward our destination.
There are often situations where the changes we’ve made do not output the intended effect on our next present moment, the question therein lies to at:
When can we safely say it’s time to try something new?
A lion who attempts to run in all directions at once, goes nowhere. Thus, it is within reason that we must stick to a new change/consistent action long enough to find the consequences of it. It takes approximately 21 days to build a habit, and anywhere ranging from 70-90 days to see a lifestyle change. If we take the extremity and add some safe zone within these non-contextual statistics. We can say that in 90 days + 21 days, or 111 days we can adequately judge the consequences of our consistent actions.
It feels important to note that when creating large-scale change, underestimating what can be done in 5 years, and overestimating what can be done in 6 months, is detrimental to your disposition on the progress made. The solution then, is to realize that that time will either pass anyway, or you won’t be around to know anyway. Thus, beginning now, for the effect to begin on the next present moment, is the best time.