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Depression has been unequivocally described in terms as such:

“When you grow tired of the character you’ve been playing”

Character being the persona, or main entity from which we govern our actions to align with a set identity in mind. The issue occurs with almost all psychological imbalances, that there can be overlapping symptoms and thus many different root causes that all appear the same. First thing, zero drugs, or pharmaceutical products are required to solve it. Plain and simply put, if your ancestors thrived before your time without the invention of these products, then you can too. So what is the first step? Improvement in the quality of your life will improve how you feel within yourself and more often than not will cure this defunct state many find themselves in.

To begin:

- Eat good and health (carnivore, animal products, zero seed oils, etc.)

- Sleep every night, consistent bed and wake times, sun in the eyes 10 mins start of day

- Hydrate, whether that be water, raw milk, coconut water, orange juice

- Move. Less so exercise and more so train, move to feel the body move, movement is life, lack of movement (or stagnation) brings you closer to death

Continue these for that 111 days needed for adequate trial before concluding of an error, and see how you feel. If the depression remains after improving the basic baseline standards of healthy living… then look to changing that character, do the shadow-work. Ask yourself the difficult questions such as:

“What am I doing that I know I shouldn’t be and if I stop right now would aide in xyz?”

“What needs to change for my emotional state to release and return to baseline?”

Be specific. Answers must be actionable and specific, the more specific the question, the more specific the answer. Write this down on paper or in a journal, and once you have found even one thing to adjust or change or stop or cultivate, then go ahead and do that. Trial and error. Death of the vessel solves nothing to the obstacles faced. Suicide is the ultimate emotional suppression. Depression is an indicator from your body that something needs to change. To solve the indicator, affect that change.

Meditate, do the shadow-work, and enjoy.