So why is it that when we find ourselves in love can we only settle for all or nothing? That if we are to give our hearts gladly to another, that they are to do well with it, and to engage with us romantically also? Why does the carnal become involved?
A mere expression of love and yet there are so many others that abound. As simple as remembering their drink order, supporting them, words of affirmation, conversing with them, a small gift for their birthday. Lovemaking is an extra dimension sure, it is merely an energetic merge, through which those in love conducting such expression form together, whole once more, closer to the world soul than ever before. Love is a verb, an action, a continued behavior is respect to another, for whom we love and pray to be loved by. When both are unexpectant givers of love, and do so freely, taking neither for granted, then there is a stable connection. Individuals are messy, this plane is built to ensure that, for if you had nothing to improve upon, then you would elsewhere, improving on something else.
We all have room to improve, and it is the decision to love another with room to improve within this life. For if we can love ourselves, knowing all our thoughts, feelings, and actions… then the next step is to find if another can love us too. Unconditionally love us, in which through love they stay, they work through, most couples face problems that are laughable, trivial, and merely evidence to miscommunication. Learn to communicate effectively, learn to love. For such an action carries such a mighty vibration, and operating from a place of love is most seen when another is operating in a lower frequency. Where “if you can’t deal with me at my worst, then you don’t deserve me at my best” rings so true, love is always, it is never-ending and always fulfilling, so long as the love you give is through the overflow of love in yourself.
That which we fill our own cup, love ourselves so much and so unconditionally that we emenate that externally, loving our authentic self means that we also must portray this authentic self when loving another. Playing a game, a manipulation, a con, will result in a drain on all involved… Skipping the loving part and jumping straight to the lovemaking expression holds severe consequences, for the love you make is an expression of the loving bond shared between, if there is zero bond between, then you express what? Nothing bar carnal desire and lust, for which may have its place, factors of 10s to 100s in levels below. The vessel is bound to the soul, love the soul and express such through the vessel. It goes one way, as god designed it. Else the expression to the vessel would only harm the soul.