Flack for failure is a great method to continue such failure. Does expending more energy in a stern self-talking to, actually aide in achieving the very thing one is giving themselves flack for? The act is done, the day maybe won, and if otherwise then that too is done. Do what you can with what remains and set yourself up for success in the next set of time given. Sometimes it is to let one day pass into slumber so that one has a better capacity to learn and achieve again. These notions of such negativity, such benign states that illicit only the continuance of the very thing that presented the opportunity for such negativity in the first place, they trap one within a cycle. A cycle of servitude to the very thing that you despise yourself for. The more energy spent away from the actions that require it to succeed, the more flack one would bestow upon themselves, meaning the less energy they have to do those actions to… So, switch it up, sit accepting and loving in yourself. To bestow loving care for the time and to do the next best thing if it serves better in the timeframe. Sometimes it is to be left for another day.