So, within the obfuscation of the simple and rather trivial matters of the heart and mind, many find themselves complicating their perceptions of an obstacle purely as to cope with the timespan taken to solve and overcome it. If it has taken such time, effort, and energy, then it must be complex? Or else would one face the notion that they had something to learn? Or do they instead choose the notion of lacking in their intellectual capacity to blame? To bear responsibility for their troubles they find the urge to complicate them to themselves, only then is such an ailment acceptable. Set it back to the barebones once more, cut through the layers of lies and self-deceit (justification) and find the once more simple and trivial problem. Little to how any persons feel within a context or circumstance, the outcome is more often the amicable compromise to the context moving forward that matter far more than how one has felt in the past regarding it. Dumb it back down to the simplicity it is.