When one finds themselves injured and paired with less mobility, it is easy and simple to accept help for most. To allow such support and care from those around or to even go out of our way and ask for it. Why else? If we lack the acumen to do the thing ourselves, then we are given the option out of necessity to bring another dividual into the fold. See within these injuries one can find rather plainly how willing, open, and plentiful those around them are to aide. Given the consistent tragedy of lacking in such a support network it seems rather ironic to that in these cases the person in question had neglected help and decided to do it all themselves all up until the point in which they really needed it. Humans are wired to co-create such that in our service to others we beget happiness and fulfillment, that in our ability to aide each other in the journey we take, in giving a boost here and there to climb and camber over the obstacles of another’s path, we find real camaraderie. Help is less a sign of weakness and the lack of acumen, and more so the willingness to engage in the happy tradition of co-creation.