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Such that when something ends, we feel a yearning for it. That we may be back there once more to experience once again, and twice, and a third, and so on. As if the bitter-sweet melancholy found as the present becomes the past is built in such a way to motivate that if we weren’t paying attention to the moment at hand before, then we should be now. For this too, shall pass.

Thus comes the cliché reminder to self: “Smile because it happened, never that it is to never be again”.

What happens once may never occur again, and what happens twice will surely happen a third time. This is part of the deal, de facto within the game, what keeps it interesting. A framework to apply then, if one thing were to be the truth, how does all else fall to be with that in mind? This assumes that the universe is geared toward working for you. So… if we could re-experience any moment in the past as often as we cared to, would anyone move forward? Is it that the exclusivity of the present makes all this work so well?

A simple reminder to call your focus to the present, wishing the time away is only for the fools.
