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Cleaning up the common spaces of our time spent is a sure-fire way to clearing the clutter of the mind. Each object, or colour in view accompanies some amount of processing power and concentration. The more objects in view, especially objects of notability, the more one is given the opportunity to feel overwhelmed. It would then follow that the most minimalistic appearance a room intended for work or relaxation is, the better one will be to have a clear head and a simple task. Less is more rings far truer in this context. Often many pile up with stuff in an attempt to hold onto the past so tightly, or the sentimentality of these moments and events. There are many occasions in which these possessions are justified and well, in those instances see where they can be moved. Out of the mind’s eye, for these spaces at least. Otherwise, look at them and see that a bulk of it is waste and wasted space, deal with accordingly.
