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Given the abstract and rather arbitrary measurement of what could be an inexplicably inseparable concept of time, humanity has divided it. A full solar rotation of the earth around the sun, the division then seeps down to 12 months, and even more so weeks. To this we feel that we have the ‘time’, as if our mutually and globally accepted division of its whole will bow to this. Time just is. The present moment is all that is and will ever be. The time is now, the moment is now, sit within it. Recognize these divisions for what they are: learned abstraction. Use it as a guide for how, god-willing, the moments shall unfold unto itself until within a moment one can recognize the guide label of it: it’s date and current time.

One of many taught abstractions, micro-managing the time, and the guide layer for it (the date and time of week in month of year of decade) can lead to a direct alienation from the very thing you are measuring in the first place. The present moment is to be experienced, spend a moment setting a course direction, and then get right back into the moment and be that destination. Care to be more confident in future? Then sit back into the present moment and go over to those people and act confident as if you’d already solved that character trait, “how would a confident person respond to this? (or xyz?)”. All is within the here and now. So be here, and be now.

Love is everywhere, love is within the self.
