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This notion of setting ‘realistic’ goals and standards is the very cause of the lowered targets from the majority. Aim for the stars and should you miss, you’ll find yourself far higher than those that aimed for someplace on earth. Whether it is your decision to want so much more for yourself is up to you, there are many plagued by the drive to have so much before finding satisfaction in their life as a whole. Existential crises are then formed by the very notion of each day passing into the next while you think yourself stuck in the same. Or maybe you really wanted to visit one of those stars and fear it is out of reach now. The trick is to believe it yours and do actions as if so. That given a multi-million dollar lifestyle, you’d take better care of yourself, you’d do the tough work to ensure the fortune stays, you’d sit happier and far more satisfied as you continue to maintain the status quo of your wealth. Rather than the beat-up self-indicting method of always wanting and wanting and chasing and chasing. Work for the status quo, keep the feeling of it in mind and create it.
