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So then, if we only have the now, then the now is always, less to say it is guaranteed, and more to say that the moments come or if they don’t then your vessel won’t be around to notice. With that, shoulder the anxieties and trivial matters of wishing against oneself. Acceptance to derive change, this is the way forward to work in love.

For those whom find loving themselves difficult, a reminder that the line between love and hate is incredibly close and blurry, that switching from one to the other is far less of a leap. The day, week, month, arrives anyway, regardless of what we’ve done between then and now, it arrives regardless. With this building skills and time spent in commitment to things (such as new skills, projects) and people are an extra to the time that was already to pass. A moment in the future that, god-willing, the vessel is there (here) to experience.

Anxiety and panic stem from a place of overwhelm and the lack of acceptance for the present. Next time, remind yourself that this too, shall pass. That the actions you take today do matter, and even more so, the laughter you ring out in spite of the prison… is what it is all about. Life goes on, the things you lament, the things you disagree with are merely encapsulated within the mind. Detach from the need to control everything, especially that which is outside your locus of control. A simple prayer:

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things outside my control, the courage to change the things within it, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
