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Take the obstacles as opportunities for growth, the beat downs as the chance to stand back up with new perspective, and that every moment that goes amiss from the hubris you adopt in deciding it should be otherwise, as a moment to acknowledge your place in the universe.

We can affect outcomes of person, places, and things, that is not to say we are the master over it, and more as a minute factor making up the innumerable factors and mutators leading to the outcome of every moment.

So instead laugh, whether it went how you imagined, wanted, or believed should have, merely laugh at that hubris, that ego for which can only plan so much and claim dominion over such. The locus of control begins and ends with the mind, and many spend the entirety of their lives working toward mastering that. Say then, that if we are struggling to even control our minds and take dominion over that which is under our oversight, then what business do we have deciding that the machinations of the universe should be under our control, that if it had gone as we’d dictated, then it would be better.  

These machinations require a perspective far greater than the common man and woman, learn to dictate your own mind and ego properly… and maybe then, just then, you can even give control of greater external movements a thought.
