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So why do so many absolve themselves of the ability to feel contentment and peace? Simple, in the complex oxymoronic idiosyncratic state of affairs that is the mind, many have justified that their improvement of self and life is driven best from an intention of hatred for the present self and life.

Improvement of a future present moment can be founded in love. Acceptance of the current moment is integral to the contentment and peace of anyone within their present moment. As it is as it is, all that can be changed is the next moment, and the potential next, ad infintum.

So how does one begin to love and accept themselves?

To begin, utter this out aloud, “I love and accept myself unconditionally.” The

The alcoholic quits through bold statements of identity, to use a “I’m trying to quit”, one sets their mind with the possibility for failure and relapse; move ‘trying’ out of your vocabulary and adjust the statements of identity to resemble burning the ships as to take the harbor. Zero room for recourse.

“I love and accept myself unconditionally.” Okay, here is the framework from here:

“I love and accept myself unconditionally and as such I do xyz”

Operate from a place in which you play the part of your most ideal lover taking care of you and loving you as they would. They’d tell you that you are enough, that they love you, they’d let you eat, wash you, clothe you, ensure you get good rest and embrace you with reminders of how they love and accept you. When you have those habitual thought patterns of self-degradation, your lover would offer their full confidence in you, reaffirm the opposite, for that you are enough, you are brilliant, you are beautiful. Depression and self-hate are habits, learned overtime, you keep yourself down.

On the same token, self-love is a habit, a skill learned overtime, a series of thought patterns and actions that provide evidence to the statement of identity: “I love and accept myself unconditionally.” So, begin. 111 days, cultivate the habit. Catch yourself now that you are aware of your old habits.

To get started say these out loud, merely to allow the mind and the universe to acknowledge that you accept the existence of such spells:

“I love and accept myself unconditionally as I exist to be, here and now.”

“I feel to be enough.”
