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And why not love yourself? Oh, for who you must be to deserve the treatment you otherwise give yourself, for what horror you must have enacted upon the planet, what evil! None, negligible, evil is one of gods many actors within this world, such self-justification given to allow such treatment of yourself is horrendous, built from skewed judgements that only serve to justify it in the first place.

An ego then, to believe that you are so detached and superior to everyone else that you must hold yourself to standards higher and if failure to reach the bar ensues, you then have permission to hold yourself in contempt and scorn?!

Barely managing is still managing, one can miss seeing the progress they make by simply raising the bar as they make it, thus remaining seemingly in the same stance relative to the metaphorical bar as previously, and thus allowing themselves to believe zero progress has occurred. When all knows that it is quite the other way around.  

Change the thought pattern and watch all else follow suit. Oftentimes the mind of the ego holds one down, repeating the same thoughts and actions of ol’ in an effort to sink the vessel deeper and deeper, so in reply to that voice: “I love you”.

“We are not enough.”

“I love you.”

“We can never change.”

“I love you.”

“We hate us”

“I love you.”

Always reply, “I love you”, change the thought pattern, begin that journey, scare it, love it, and love everything listening and attached to it.
