To those for whom contemplate suicide, remove the notion that it is even a solution. It provides zero solutions, only removes the vessel to which the problems exist to. It exists as the ultimate form of suppression, spreading such pain and anguish you feel to those closest to you and many for whom are unknown numbering in masses larger than can be fathomed.
That you accomplish nothing, you instead break a cardinal sin: “thou shalt never murder”.
That includes the murder of one’s own light, of their own vessel, to vanquish the vessel as to free the soul of the growth it was designed to go through. God (the universe or what-have-you), makes zero mistakes, all is written, all problems, obstacles, and the like are tailored the be handled by you within your capacity. Within your locus of control, all issues present are within your capacity for remedy, always.
There is zero justification for such an action, to take the easy way out, to break the bonds of this realm in an effort to remove the responsibility of solving these obstacles that make up the growth within life, that instead and at the very worst:
If you have the ability to contemplate removing yourself prematurely, then you also have the ability to remove the specific problems themselves. Taking extreme action and accountability for what it is that truly provokes this state of skewed perceptions and judgements. You hate your job? Cool, quit. Your family wreaks havoc on your internal peace? Cool, remove them from your life, and if that is not entirely possible (it probably is), then adjust your lifestyle to minimize the contact involved. There exists a disparity within your life that this dark void and the call of nothingness exists within, remove that and it is gone.
Fire anything and everything that does not serve you within this life. Quit that job and let the freefall aide you in finding another, remove that friend or relationship from your life and just see, cut and paste the patchwork of your decisions until something gives and something is more bearable.
Take the extreme action to change your life over ending it. If you can end it, then you can change it.
Bring awareness into your life, you can do this with others to support and keep you accountable, ask a friend or mentor, to keep you accountable, to check in, to lead the way and provide clarity on what could solve the problem. Catch your less ideal habits, where you feel the urge to repeat actions you know better than to do, switch it up this time and abstain, you can do this for you can contemplate it in the first place. Whatever the mind can conceive it can achieve.